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    Flat grain Douglas Fir Canadian-made wood flooring for your home
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    Flat grain Douglas Fir Canadian-made wood flooring for your home

Flat Grain Douglas Fir Flooring and Paneling

Harmony by Makihara Long Length Engineered Fir Flooring and Paneling is also offered in flat grain. The logs used in the manufacture of our flooring are harvested in a colder climate region of BC that allows for the slower growth of trees.

This slower growth results in a denser and finer grain that increases dimensional stability. This is especially important because products manufactured with flat grain softwood lumber can be unstable. Excessive shrinkage and expansion along with cupping and warping are common.

The flat grain lumber is selected from smaller diameter logs, which makes for a very pleasing flat grain appearance. Much of the grain has an appealing cathedral flat grain figure along with tighter vertical grain often in the same boards.This grain appearance can only be achieved in slower growth, fine grain, small diameter logs.


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